Skruben Blog

Seattle Sundries
  You may remember that I posted  few weeks ago about our venture into urban chicken raising and the cute little puffballs that got us to finally commit.  Well, they've been living in a crate in my office since then,...
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Seattle Sundries
We had another great 4-H club meeting yesterday, once again making dog biscuits to sell as a club fundraiser at the North Beach Arts and Crafts Fair on October 10th. Last year they sold like hot cakes and were a huge success,...
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Seattle Sundries
A follow-up in our mountain beaver saga... The kids and I were outside today hanging out in the yard (not very quietly, I might add) when we heard a rustling in the bushes behind the raspberries. I looked down into the...
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Seattle Sundries
I have a long-standing war with a Mountain Beaver that has taken up residence in the bushes near my yard. His scientific name is Aplodontia rufa, but let's just call him "Butt Head." You may have never heard of a Mountain Beaver....
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