The Soap That Will Make You Feel Like a Bad Ass.

Says the description on Seattle Sundries’ Manly Man soap’s reusable packaging. So does it live up to that promise?
Athletic, full of heart, and handy around the house, Greg and Derek are the ideal candidates for feedback on the powers of our Manly Man soap. As first time users of the soap, we asked for their impressions and, after a thoughtful pause, Greg concurred that the soap indeed conjured up the badass feel.

Remarkably, after a good cleansing, he could sense a heightened rapport with the hunk illustrated on the soap tin’s lid.
Derek added that he enjoyed the balanced, masculine fragrance that does not overpower the nose. After cleaning up with Manly Man soap for a few weeks, Derek answered, “The scent is masculine but not too crazy,” and we all know Manly Men are aromatically subtle and “not too crazy.”
They both recommend Manly Man soap as a thoughtful, naturally scented, suds producing gift for those ultra-fine macho men in your life.
P.S. Keeping your Manly Man aura on the downlow? No worries. We have 18 other soaps to choose from that can match your mood - from Naughty Nellie to Highland Fling. And they also make excellent gifts to match the mood of that special someone...who could use a bath, or a shower.
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