Seattle's Great Wheel

Yesterday we took a trip down to the waterfront in Seattle and got to ride on the Great Wheel at Pier 57. The weather could have been better, but it didn't really matter. It was a really fun, and slightly unsettling ride. I'm not afraid of heights and wasn't expecting to have any issues with riding in an enclosed gondola, but I did. It's very tall (200 feet) and dwarfs the other structures at the waterfront. It's 1/3 the height of the Space Needle (604 feet)...spinning. An even more amazing comparison is with the London Eye ferris wheel, which is more than double the size at 443 feet tall. Gulp.
The views of downtown are to die for.
It's well worth the time and money to go for a ride. Whether you live here in Seattle or are visiting from out of town, you should check it out!
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