Skruben Blog

Here's a tutorial for a very easy, inexpensive knitting ring that is great for kids. I made these for my students to use during rainy day recess and they've been a massive hit. On any given day, I have...
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We repurposed 2 liter bottles and turned them into self-watering planters for starting our tomatoes and cucumbers indoors. They've been sitting on the window sill near my desk and I've been watching them grow every day. It's been the perfect antidote for the bummer weather we've been having here in Seattle.
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My children are extremely fair skinned. They burn like I do, which is to say, always. They also have fine hair which does little to protect their scalps from the sun. My son's hair sticks up enough that it isn't...
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We had another GREAT 4H camping trip at the Ranch in Idaho this year! For three nights and fours days we camped on the grassy banks of the pond, and enjoyed the sunshine and fresh air. Here are a few...
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We had another great 4-H club meeting yesterday, once again making dog biscuits to sell as a club fundraiser at the North Beach Arts and Crafts Fair on October 10th. Last year they sold like hot cakes and were a huge success,...
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